"Meet Jacob Chansley" Explore the Infamous 'QAnon Shaman': His Jan. 6 Role and the Unlikely Political Aspirations Now Unleashed.

"The Prison Journey" Behind Bars to Capitol Halls: Chansley's 2-Year Odyssey and the Controversy That Defines Him.

"A Shocking Ambition" QAnon Shaman for Congress? Unveiling Jacob Chansley's Unprecedented Political Play.

"The Jan. 6 Flashback" Relive the Chaos: Chansley's Role in the Capitol Attack and the Fallout That Shaped his Destiny.

"Public Opinion" From Outrage to Support: How the Nation Reacts to QAnon Shaman's Audacious Congressional Run.

"The Future Unveiled" Can QAnon Shaman Win? Analyzing Chansley's Political Gambit and What Lies Ahead for the Controversial Figure.