uaw ford contract details 2023 : Vote, News

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In a monumental victory for the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford, a tentative agreement has been reached after a standup strike that began in the late hours of September 15th. This is a groundbreaking development, and we’re excited to share the details of this historic agreement with you.

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uaw ford

A Nationwide Movement: From Three Plants to a National Standup Strike

From the outset, the UAW emphasized the importance of record profits translating into record contracts. The determination and unity of UAW members turned a localized strike at three plants into a nationwide movement. The clock was ticking, and we knew that the companies needed a major push to ensure the best possible agreement.

A Strategic Move: Pushing for Maximum Impact

As negotiations progressed, the UAW took the strike to a new level, targeting strategic plants. On Monday, the call went out to the UAW family at Sterling Heights Assembly, one of Stellantis’s most substantial and profitable facilities. Tuesday saw the UAW family at Arlington Assembly answering the call, effectively shutting down GM’s largest and most profitable plant. The message was clear: Ford was next in line.

A Historic Agreement: Empowering UAW Members

On the 40th day of the standup strike, a historic agreement was reached. At the core of the UAW’s approach is the belief that the members are the highest authority. This principle ensures that every member has a say in the agreement. Here are the next steps:

1. UAW National Ford Council Vote: On Sunday, October 29th, the elected leadership of the UAW National Ford Council will convene in Detroit to vote on whether to send the agreement to the membership.

2. In-Depth Discussion: If the council approves the agreement, a special Facebook live session will be held on the same evening to delve into the deal’s details. National negotiators and staff are working diligently to provide digital access to essential documents.

3. Regional and Local Meetings: Following the Facebook live session, regional meetings will be organized to walk through the agreement with local leadership. These locals will, in turn, host informational meetings to address members’ questions.

4. Members’ Vote: The final decision rests with the UAW members, as they will vote on the deal. The democratic process is paramount, ensuring that every member’s voice is heard.

Key Takeaways from the Historic Agreement

This agreement signifies a remarkable turning point in the automotive industry. UAW members have demonstrated unity and determination like never before. The core highlights of the agreement include:

  • A 25% General wage increase over the course of the agreement.
  • Expectation of the top wage rate to increase by over 30%, surpassing $40 per hour.
  • A 68% increase in the starting wage rate.
  • Substantial raises for temporary workers, with some seeing a 150% increase.
  • Immediate 85% raises for lower-tier members at specific plants upon ratification.
  • Over the next 4 and 2 years, UAW members at Ford will receive more General wage increases than in the last 22 years combined.
  • Immediate 11% wage increase for Ford workers at ratification, nearly equal to all wage increases since 2007 combined.
  • Restoration of the 2009 Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).
  • Introduction of a three-year progression.
  • Elimination of divisive wage tiers.
  • Enhancement of the pension multiplier and improved retirement benefits.
  • Historic advances in job security, including the right to strike over plant closures, a monumental achievement for UAW members and their communities.

A United Victory: From Local Initiatives to National Success

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uaw ford

The success of this agreement is a testament to the unwavering dedication of UAW members, from those who initiated the standup strike at Local 900 Michigan Assembly to the impactful actions of Local 551 Chicago Assembly and Local A62 at Kentucky Truck Plant.

But equally significant is the commitment of every UAW member who stood ready to support the strike, demonstrating the power of collective action.

Next Steps: Members Continue to Lead

Just as the negotiation process was guided by the principle that members are the highest authority, the next steps are in your hands. The decision-making process, discussions, and debates are integral to our Union’s democracy.

A Strategic Move: Back to Work While Voting

In the next phase of the standup strike, we’re calling on all Ford strikers to return to work. This strategic move is designed to maintain pressure on Stellantis and GM. Ensuring that Ford reaches full capacity while other companies lag behind is a crucial element of this strategy.

The UAW National Ford Council: A Key Decision Point

The UAW National Ford Council plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process. After the council’s vote, full change pages and contract highlights will be made available online, and a Facebook live session will provide a detailed examination of the agreement.

Members Decide: The Majority Rules

The power is ultimately in the hands of every UAW member at Ford. A vote on this groundbreaking deal will decide the path forward. The majority will determine the outcome.

A New Path for Ford, the Big Three, and the Industry

This historic agreement is a game-changer. It’s an opportunity to make things right at Ford, across the big three automakers, and within the entire automotive industry. Together, we are turning the tide for the working class in this country.


The road to this historic agreement has been paved with unity, determination, and the collective strength of UAW members. As the members continue to lead and decide, we’re poised to shape the future of the automotive industry. The American dream is within reach, and together, we’ll strive to preserve and enhance it. Stay tuned for more updates on, and remember, your voice, your vote, and your unity are the driving forces behind this transformative moment in automotive history.

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